Apr 19, 2014

Who Me?! D?...

*tap*  *tap*  *tap* Attention!
I have been chosen for a Liebster!

Thank you thank you so much Theresa at A Change of Pace!!
I have read about Liebster and saw other blogs with the button, but I seriously DID NOT think some one would think my blog was cute enough to chose!

I am excited to say the least! I even teared up a little!

To accept the Liebster there are several rules the must be fulfilled...
The rules:
1.) you must link back to the person who nominated you
2.) you must answer the 10 Liebster questions given to you by the nominator
3.) you must pick 10 bloggers to be nominated for the award (with a small following)
4.) you must create 10 questions for your nominees
5.) you must notify your nominees

Here are the 10 Questions that Theresa asked me!

1) what is your favorite way to sweat
For some reason I'm not a sweat er. It takes a lot of work to make me sweat. The only man that has ever made me sweat was Shaun T! I love a really hard workout.  A fast, hilly walk/run or T25 are my favorite ways right now.  I know that if there is a drop of perspiration then work, hard work was done.

2) what are you most proud of
2 things. I'm in my last class before I graduate with my Associates. Yeet! These good 50lbs that I have lost.  I can't believe that I disciplined myself to get this far and stick with it.  I'm proud and amazed!

3) why did you get into blogging
Oh how I loooove to write and I enjoy the art of storytellin'. I have been blogging for years...back when no one but bloggers knew what a blog was. However, life got in the way and I stopped.  I started back blogging because I still love to write and my kiddies are older and I can focus a little more on writing. Blogs are instant! I don't have to wait for someone else to critique me and tell me I can't say that. Ha! I will say what I please!! It's perfect for a rebellious, left-handed,  middle child. lol 
4) what is the the last book you read
The last book I finish was Private by James Patterson..I'm a major fan I have almost ALLL his books.  Currently I'm reading 3 books Pride and Prejudice (Jane Austen), The Hunger Games and Private#1 Suspect (James Patterson).  these books have nothing to do with each other but I have to read them. * shrug *

5) what is your secret guilty pleasure
I miss Starbucks
hmmm, a Caramel Frappicino extra caramel, extra shot of espresso.  When I see a Starbucks my other personality takes over the car and I have to fight and fight to not go in and spend $20 on a beverage that makes my heart siiiiiing. It is the BEST coffee type drink I have EVER had and I can't have them anymore....it has the calorie count of a meal!!! I want one now!

6) what is your favorite way to pamper yourself
Gettin' my wig fixed...lol  I'm not a girly girl I will get a manicure/pedicure, but only once every couple of months and that's if someone asks me to come with them.  I don't wear makeup, unless I have won a FREE makeover. However, my hair is my glory.  I do not feel like a human If my hair is not right. When I do sweat its in my head. So my edges have to be on point.  I feel CRAPPY when my hair is not cute.

7) chocolate or vanilla

8)  if you had a warning label, what would it read
Ha! Warning: tread lightly. Will like you til you do something stupid, ask a stupid question or use poor subject-verb agreement, then its Bitch.

9) if you were stranded on a deserted island and could only take 1 item, what would it be
A bullet. Not not one of those bullets you blend in. No not one of those bullets you put in a gun. A bullet. It has a cord and settings and hopefully the batteries are included.. I promise to use it wisely...lol

10)  what's your favorite healthy snack
ALMONDS!! I really love those Wasabi flavored Almonds by Blue Diamond.

My nominees are ...

Drums please!

1. The Kay Times
2. All the Joys
3. Finding the Skinny Geek Within
4. One-Way Ticket to ONEderland
5. JenBsJourney
6. Fleurty and Fit
7. Kim to Slim
8. Broke and Bougie
9. Skinny Kimmie
10. The Fit Train

These are the blogs I have fallen in love with.
Consistent and funny.
dearest, sweetest, kindest, nicest, beloved, lovely, kind, pleasant, valued, cute, endearing, welcome, sweetheart, all things that Liebster means. What these ladie's blogs are.

Share with the rest of the class

1. Why blog, why not just keep a journal?
2. What is you favorite form of exercise?
3. If you had 3 wishes what would they be?
4. Do you think a 35 hour work week should be THE LAW everywhere?
4. Lipstick, Lip gloss, or chap stick?
6. What is the best meal you have ever had?
7. What are your top 5 songs on your playlist that you HAVE to hear?
8. What are your blog goals?
9.  Bed, wed or dead? Brad Pit, Chris Hemsworth, Will Smith.
10. What is your favorite post that you wrote?(Link Please)

Theresa, again THANK YOU!!!
You made my heart all warm and fuzzy!

Now I'm off to figure out how to post the Liebster picture to my blog!!!!


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