Feb 5, 2014


Welp! It has been 2weeks.  Oops.  I had my birthday and got L-A-Z-Y!  I  JACKED my goal to write 31 days straight.  It wasn’t hard however it became and chore and I don’t want this to become a chore.   So, even though I missed these last 9 or 10 days I’m going to give a recap of everything I can remember since my birthday and a wrap up of January goals.

Thanks Brother!
Thanks Mother!
I was my birthday! I turned the big 38! I own it! I’m so thankful to be at this age and I wouldn’t go back for SH!T!! I’m beautiful and on the road to a healthier, sexier me! BOOM!  I got some AWESOME birthday gifts.  A Polar watch!!! I will now know without confusion how many calories I’m NOT burning…lol I also got T25! *stands on soapbox* I am so excited about both of these and how they will be used together to further my health goals and weigh loss victory!!

Went to work hung over. HA!
It was rough…ROUGH! …and that’s pretty much all I remember about that day.

Not much happened … I got a mani/pedi & sushi with one girl friend and had DRINKS and chips and dip with another.  Weighed in on the 26th to find I had gained .4ozs.  Bummer. L  I drank some water and went back to sleep.  HA!

Even though I was on vacation from my job I still had my good ol meal prep food…I only over did it with the drinking.  I’m not a fruity drink kinda gal but I am a vodka kinda drinking gal and BOOOOOOOOOY did I have plenty vodka.

It was also Meal Prep Monday! I am enjoying meal prepping!! I love having my food ready and available.  It has also afforded me the ability to EAT MORE VEGGIES!!  Like, I’m having 3-4 veggies per meal. It’s truly awesome. 

HA! Atlanta SHUT DOWN!
Was an awesome winter weather day in Atlanta! It was walking dead around here! The snow hit so quick that the Metro Atlanta area was in shock! It was pretty and pretty bad. People abandoning their cars, People walking miles to their homes, children and teachers trapped at schools and my favorite the ignant (and yes I meant IGNANT) ass’s that were loading cars on stolen tow truck and STEALING THEM! Ugh! So after finally getting home safely with the kiddies, I worked out enjoyed my prepped meal and slept like a baby in the womb. “NO WORK OR SCHOOL TOMORROW!”, said Metro Atliens!

My front yard after the snow.
Awakened to a beautiful Winter wonderland outside and cold as the North Pole on Christmas Eve.  My son went outside, threw 1 snowball and came back.  Jack Frost nipped at his butt.   I finally put my Polar watch to some use.  I did two workouts.  AM was some Leslie and late afternoon I tried this SWEAT workout that I downloaded a couple weeks ago.  It was created by this really inspirational chick Dawn Archer.  She has a story to tell.  It’s a cute Zumba inspired workout that really makes one SWEAT! I liked it! Drip! Drip!

1/30 – 1/31
Half days of work no school and having to feed my rug rats 2 extra meals while they were out of school… I continued Exercising and eating right.  January ended. Ho hum! Even now as I write I can really remember those last couple days.  It ended good! 

At the start of the new month I weighed in and revisited the goals that I wrote and shared with you guys. I accomplished more than half the goals I set out to. 

What didn’t happen:

Couch to 5K  HMMM I started it a couple time in the beginning of the month but my hate for treadmills took over 99.8% of the time.  It was sooooooo boring even with the playlist and programs I downloaded. BLAH!!  So I’m going to put this off until the spring when I can go outside and enjoy nature and not get frostbite. I’m ok with my status on this goal. Grade: D- I burned a few calories with the starts…lol

Too Inspired Walking Challenge Welp I just forgot to update the group on my workouts….lol  So I completed the challenge just didn’t follow through Grade: C- on that one.

Write EVERYday. EH well sorry.  I felt really bad about this.  I want to write everyday but I want to exercise and spend time with my loved ones too.  So, going forward I’m only going to write twice a week, minimum.  I want to write everyday but I know that is unrealistic and rather than disappoint myself and all 1 of my followers, 2 or more times a week should get it done! Grade: D+ because I did make it to the last week.


That pretty much sums up January.

On the 1st I weighed in and the total pounds lost for the month of January is/were/ are (hell IDK!)  8.8lbs !!!!!  I also lost 1 inch around my waist. BOOM!  My goal was 10lbs but I am thrilled with 8.8! HELL who wouldn’t be!  I credit the meal prep and focus.  You HAVE to eat right. No if, ands or buts about it.  What you eat and when to eat is so important. Without the meal prep I would have been all over the place and that could have been +8.8lbs.  I’m happy and I’m proud. I started the year on the right track!

Follow me in Instagram @fatPHATgirl



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