Jul 9, 2014

Hump Day Confessions!!

My confessions
Every time I read @ Kay Times I kinda get motivated to write.  She is so quirky and funny I have to write something for her to read, laugh smile at and comment on.

1.  My 20 year high school reunion was a couple Fridays ago.  The “organizers” have a group on Facebook that I reluctantly joined.  I scrolled through looking around and realized that I have NO IDEA WHO ANY OF THOSE PEOPLE ARE!!!  The one person from High School that I do still communicate with is the ONLY reason I went.  I thought it was going to suuuuuckk.  It was straight! I had a good time and people remembered me!!!!

2. I am over fitness.  I feel bad about it.  I am however working very hard to find the motivation I need to keep pushing buuuuut I want cheesecake…lol…kidding. My body is just telling me to chill so I’m chilling.

3. I want to be a housewife AGAIN!!!!! Thank you God for this job and the ability to go to work every day and have a job to go to, BUT Man I just want a mate to take care of me!!!  I will cook clean and rub the feet I just don’t want to HAVE to go to work every day! CAN I HIT THE LOTTERY PLEASE!!

4. I did not have a good 4th of July Holiday.  I enjoyed the company of my children but we did not get invited to attend any BBQ’s and we missed all the fricking fireworks shows…ugh  IT SUCKED!!!!

5.  I’m addicted to The Good Wife.  Let me tell you something.  This show is absolutely brilliant.  I can’t begin to tell you how wonderful the writing is on this show.  I have watched 4 season in 1 month, seriously.  I love it absolutely love it

6.  Ok and my last confession of the day and please no judgment. But you know that movie The Purge   I would love to subject my kids father to that. And that’s all I have to day about that…

Not my first confession post but my first confession Link up with Vodka and Soda!
Good night folks!!


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