If we were having coffee this morning I would tell you that Deciding that you want to lose weight is a hard decision to
make and actually beginning the process is even harder.
When I’m in I’m in.
However, over the past couple months my discipline and love for the “journey”
has wavered. I haven’t been able to
self-motivate. I haven’t felt like doing much of anything. I haven’t given up. I still meal prep and
think about my food choices but I’m over the work of weight loss.
I would tell you that A fitness article came to my inbox from about.com. I don’t know who sent it or where it went
when I finished. I don’t subscribe to
anything from them. Perhaps it was just
meant for me to have. * shrug *
I would tell you It discussed “What’s really important?” as opposed to “What do I think should be important?”
Is weight loss important or do I think it should be
important. If I lean more toward the “should”, then I should give up. Harsh, right?, but not really.
I have never been skinny and I don’t have self esteem issues
related to weight. I feel like I “should” lose weight to be healthier and live
longer. Apparently l have been
approaching this journey WRONG!
The goal to loose weight isn't enough to get me moving. So,
I’m giving up on weight loss being the end result. I’m making my goals a little more obtainable.
I’m going to focus on what I get out of exercising. As opposed to having my normal goals of
Loose 5lbs by (some date)
Burn 2000 calories a week
I would tell you I’m stepping a little deeper into my daily. I’m going to
focus on the right now.
My new goals will be more relate to how I live daily, things
that matter to me right NOW.
I’m going to approach exercise with a different frame of
I enjoy exercising.
I love how I feel when I’m doing it and after I do it.
“How does exercise improve my life right now?”
That’s what my new goals will cater to…the right now.
Things that I can achieve right now may help me to enjoy the
journey more and stay on track because just weight loss is not enough for me.
(I’m sexy…lol)
I would tell you that I’m taking weight loss off the table. I need smaller goals
that will make me help me come back day after day. Things I can see IMMEDIATELY! So I came up with some new goals to get through the day.
New DAILY Goals
1. Have more energy. I can definitely tell that I haven’t done
ish in 2 weeks. I’m lethargic as hell. It’s work to drive the car. I feel over it everyday!
2. Reduce stress.
3. Feel strong/powerful ( I love how I feel after exercise
because I DID IT!!!)
4. Sleep Better
5. Better Orgasm. (Important towards the moooood HA! It’s just
another form of cardio but the O is so much better when I exercise regularly.
6. Tell my friends about it (Y-O-U) Still remaining accountable
but also doing what I love (write).
To achieve these goals I’m going to do nothing
different. Make good food choices and
exercise. I’m no longer focusing on the
weight loss because if all goes well and right, that will come anyway.
I won’t feel like a failure at the end of the week when I
didn't meet my goals and the scale and measurements are the same.
I think with these small daily victories my confidence won’t
be killed and I will be more successful!
The focus will truly be a HEALTHY lifestyle as opposed to
just losing weight.
Not going to be worried about the scale.
One choice at a time one day at a time
REALLY focusing on the journey, not the destination. YA DIG!
What would you tell me at our coffee date?